Monday, November 30, 2009

Janna finished Seattle Half Marathon 2:04

Mile 10, I took the picture.  Scary
Finished 26.2
Finished 13.1

This was the best holiday the TFU has had.  Everyone got up two days in a row at 4:30am to participate in the race and cheer!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

At the Seattle Marathon

TFU1 & TFU2 happy TFU6 not happy (she got up at 5am)

TFU2 runs 3rd Half Marathon for 2009


TFU2 and TFU3

The fans


TFU2 at start line

After.... shoot me

Best fan!

Finish Line

Nate runs 1st Marathon in Seattle! 3:27 time

Getting ready


Nate waving at the start
Nate finished 45 mins earlier than we thought he would!!!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving Day at the TFU

Sara made sweet potatoes ..... 
Dad carved the Turkey...     

Sam got lots of scraps....

Nate and Jake made clam dip....

Mom baked and baked......

Haley made pies and stuffed the Turkey.....

Nate took a nap while everyone was cleaning up...
We had a great Thanksgiving hope you all did as well!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving to our Family

We miss all our family and wish we could be with you all.  Hope to see everyone next year.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Bummer News!

Drew has IT Band syndrome and can not run the marathon.  Last week he ran 23 miles and killed it.  We are sad, but Drew and I will run a marathon together in 2010.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Update on Nate's Marathon Training

Nate had a great run yesterday.  Nate ran 20 miles without a problem.  Drew stashed some water along his route so he could rehydrate.  Nate said he sprinted the last mile home.  Next week is the big day! Nate even had enough energy to play basketball that evening.

Sam ate the Birthday Cake!

Poor Sam got in trouble AGAIN!  Sam felt really bad he ate the cake. 
I don't think he will do that ever again.

Haley's 14th Birthday Party!

Haley is 14!

Haley having fun with friends.

TFU Family Photo's

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Marathon is fast approaching

Nate is getting ready to run his first marathon on November 29.  We are all really proud of him.  I am ready for the half marathon despite minor muscle pulls.  The biggest challenge for all of us it getting to the race without injury!  We have spent some money on the winter running gear, and we are running in the Seattle rain. 

Check the race out!  Seattle Marathon 2009

It's Offical

TFU2 is the new chair for the XC Team at Bonney Lake High!  Help!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Mom is a Notary Now

I started a business for notarizing documents for people who can not leave their homes and or anyone who needs a notary.  So spread the word!  WA state

Mount Rainer Almost Everyday

This is the view we get everytime we drop Sara off at school.  Mt. Rainer!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sara and Haley - Our favorite picture!

Learn More About Soles4Souls®, Inc.

Soles4Souls®, Inc. began as a small team effort to make a difference in people’s lives with the gift of shoes. When Hurricane Katrina roared ashore the gulf coast of the United States in late August 2005, a group of caring individuals and motivated charities created a website called in order to collect footwear donations from companies and individuals.

The response to its call for action was overwhelming. As the fledgling charity called upon other organizations to help distribute the amount of donated footwear that arrived, it discovered that the need for basic footwear was immense, even when natural disasters weren’t looming on the horizon. reincorporated as Soles4Souls, Inc., which has become an acclaimed international organization dedicated to providing free footwear to those in desperate need.

Soles4Souls offers a variety of services and support materials to achieve its mission, which include:

• The collection and distribution of new footwear, either from manufacturers or retailers;

• The collection and distribution of “gently worn” footwear, either from individuals or companies initiating a shoe “trade-in” event;

• Domestic and international distribution of footwear received as donations;

• Collaboration with civic groups, churches, schools, companies, and individuals to plan and implement shoe drives, generally in a city or localized region;

• Hosting/sponsoring special events (such as retail trade-in incentives, marathons and other races, golf tournaments, parties at trade shows, etc.);

• The creation of marketing materials in support of special events;

• Special project collaboration and unique marketing avenues with other charities, celebrities, professional athletes, and more.

By partnering with footwear companies, Soles4Souls is uniquely positioned to collect and distribute customer returns, excess inventory, and cash to support its mission.  And by partnering with caring individuals, companies, and charities
around the country, Soles4Souls has the ability to hold popular footwear drives to reach needy people in the United States and around the world.

Since the formal incorporation of Soles4Souls as a 501(c)(3) charity, the organization has served people by delivering millions of pairs of shoes to the following countries: The United States, Mexico, Venezuela, Ecuador, Guatemala,
Honduras, The Dominican Republic, Haiti, Brazil, Uganda, Sudan, and Romania.

More countries are continually added to this list as Soles4Souls finds regional partners able to distribute the footwear to needy people within their region.

Soles4Souls is collecting and distributing more than 45,000- 60,000 pairs of shoes each week, over 5.5 million pairs to date. That’s one pair every 9 seconds to someone in need.

We are continually looking for new partners with our mission. Your organization can get involved today in making a difference in people’s lives with the gift of shoes. Contact us today to see how we can work together to offer a simple and effective gift to people around the world.

Soles4Souls, Inc. – Changing the World One Pair at a Time.

Shoe Drive Starts Monday!

People lining up to get for S4S

How Parents and Students Can Support Soles4Souls
Shoe Drive November 16, 2009 to March 1, 2010

Donate New or "Gently Worn" Footwear
We are collecting shoes! We want the leftovers in your closet. People across North America are cleaning out their closets and shipping their new or gently worn shoes to one of our warehouse facilities. We have made it easier for you and supplied a collection box at Mountain View Middle School. The shoes we collect will be shipped to various countries in need. For more information please visit our website at
Chairs: Haley Theriault (MVMS) Nate Theriault (BLHS) and sponsored by JT Mobile Notary 253.405.3534

Thank you for your support!

Quote of the Month

Nate running!!

Believe that you can run farther or faster. Believe that you're young enough, old enough, strong enough, and so on to accomplish everything you want to do. Don't let worn out beliefs stop you from moving beyond yourself.

John Bingham, "Tools and Rules," Runner's World

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

"Protect Marriage in Washington: Referendum 71"

Monday, November 9, 2009

Jack in the Bean Stalk Play August 2009

Sara was a gambler, she was a pro!

Jake's 1st Date - Homecoming Oct 2009

Jake and Laura had a great time at homecoming.

Mom and Jakey

Dad and Jakey

Laura, Jake, Payton, Big D, Sierra and Todd

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Nate and Jake ran varsity together.

This was a proud day for us.  Both Nate and Jake ran varsity together!