Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Watch Nate Run

It is hard to describe the feeling I get when I see my son Nate run. I am filled with joy and anticipation at the same time. Nate has worked very hard to get where he is in running and the race results always show it. Bonney Lake High School XC (cross country) team ran their hardest race today. Nate ran varsity and took 12th. He was so close to beating his rival. Jake (Nate's little bro) beat him last time and it was awesome. I could hardly contain myself at the finish line. I was pleased to say the least. Running for the TFU is a passion, challenge and always a release of stress. If you belong to the TFU you belong to running. Sara our youngest has not hit her peak yet, but she has expressed interest in running the Santa Race in December. We will be cheering her on.

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